
Play - Trade - Play Again

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Mark's Review
Mark's Review

How Gamer2Gamer Works

List Your Game

Create a Gamer2Gamer FREE account and create listings for the games that you no longer play. Simply rate and write a review and you can start to trade it with other gamers.

Find Games

Not sure what you're looking for? Gamer2Gamer offers an easy way to find whether the games you want are available. We'll also show you trades that are close by - walk, run or ride!

Start Trading

Trading is simple, you can offer your game to other gamers or you can simply list your game and see what other gamers will offer you!

Swap Games

Once you have agreed a trade with another gamer, all you need to do is exchange details and organise your trade, you can meet in person or post it!

FREE Registration

Coming soon! is a free to use service where you can connect to local and Worldwide Gamers and freely trade games with each other.